Tuesday, July 24, 2012

So here's Tuesday's "thing":  we're (the Tech Committee) swapping our school website to Google, and I want to bring the teachers on board.  As we were looking at the website last year, there was 2-3 year old info on it, which is just ludicrous. So for those of you who have made the switch, did you
1) ease into it, a few teachers at a time?
2) just rip off that bandaid and have the principal make them do it?

So  here's the Monday thing: something that's been bothering me about all this integration.  Love the tools, love the ease of use, love the differentiation, BUT (behold underlying truth) these kids come in with such horrible social skills (as someone in class pointed out) and yet we facilitate more distance by having them collaborate online, rather than face-to-face.  Sure it helps the shy ones have a voice.  But does it give them enough confidence to use their physical voice rather than their typing voice?

So here's the thing

"So here's the thing" ~ this is a stock phrase in our family, inevitably answered by "oh, crap".  Then follows whatever the "thing" of the moment is: an idea to follow through on (or not), a comment on whatever's currently going on, a proposal for a new activity, a query, a random musing, an interesting connection, basic rumination.