Tuesday, July 24, 2012

So  here's the Monday thing: something that's been bothering me about all this integration.  Love the tools, love the ease of use, love the differentiation, BUT (behold underlying truth) these kids come in with such horrible social skills (as someone in class pointed out) and yet we facilitate more distance by having them collaborate online, rather than face-to-face.  Sure it helps the shy ones have a voice.  But does it give them enough confidence to use their physical voice rather than their typing voice?


  1. Deb, I hear what you are saying about kids not being able to communicate face to face or work collaboratively at times. It frustrates me. It is sort of like the lost art of cursive writing. I, too, struggle with whether or not we are doing the kids an disservice with so much access to technology. However, I do think that we really owe it to the students to teach them the digital skills and push them to use them. I'm sure you know, too, that this is simply the way the that world, businesses, and folks younger than you and I operate - no matter how we feel about it. So, it is for the students that I push forward with technology. Maybe schools need to be considering other opportunities for fostering communication and face to face collaboration. Advisory groups, community service opportunities, and RECESS might all be ways to balance the human contact void technology creates.

    1. I like those ideas for other opportunities! One of my favorite things at school is my Lunch Bunches: kids can come eat their lunch in the library, and I read aloud. We have such great discussions then! Such a different dynamic than Library Class time.
